Welcome to Kitesurfing paradise !

Praia do Preà - BRASIL

Praia do Prea is an authentic fishermen village and the famous kitesurfing spot of Jericoacoara


Prea is one of the last fishermen village in the world to use sailing fishing boats ! 280 km up north from Fortaleza (Ceara state capital city) , Prea is a quiet fisherman village and an ecological paradise bordered by the atlantic ocean on one side and by the sandy dunes on the other side...It is located 7 km from the well known village of Jericoacoara.

Praia do Prea is a unique and preserved fishermen village, it is one of the best kitesurfing spot on earth since the Wind is constantly blowing from july to january ! It has kept is original soul and you will discover a quiet and unspoiled environment with very nice people. The atmosphere is unique in Prea.